Most of the escorts prefer that the payment for their services be made in cash, at the time of meeting her and preferably before passing time with an escort.
As discreet as you see fit. If they are not busy, the escorts will answer you almost immediately; so you must take this into account when writing to someone for WhatsApp or to have a video call.
We recommend that, when you decide to write, you must be clear about what you are going to say to the girl; Similarly, you should review the photos of the escort to make sure that is who you want to talk to. And most importantly, have the availability to start a conversation at the moment; that is, not be at work or with people to whom you cannot confidently tell what you are doing.
The answer to this question will always be the same: Yes.
have sex with a young escort it’s what many grown men want; and have sex with one mature escort It is a desire that young people want to fulfill. Agree a meeting with a beautiful woman, who satisfies your deepest desires with professionalism; It’s a fantasy come true.
A sexual encounter with an escort can be the solution to different problems; since, unlike a woman who is not dedicated to this profession, in sex, the escorts are very understanding and accommodating; allowing, in this way, that whoever shares his bed feels like the luckiest being in the world.
Of course yes, the escorts do not only provide their services for men; there are also those who offer their services to women. The bisexuality It is something common in the trade of luxury escorts; Any woman who wants to hire the services of an escort can do it in the same way that the rest of the clients do.
Now, if what you want is to hire a male escort to satisfy your needs as a woman; We recommend that you search a little more through Google.
No, despite working in the sexual field, there is an abysmal difference between a Prostitute and an Escort.